Las week we were in Grossefehn.
Grossefehn is a town located in the north of Germany.
There we stayed in german students houses. I was Ulrike's house. She has got three sisters and one brother.
The first day, we went to an island, Langeoog. There, we did a lot of activities, and we went to the beach, there was so windy!
Langeoog is beautiful. I love it.
Next day, we were divided into groups and we did some activities. It was very boring.
In the afternoon, we had a party. We danced a lot of songs, and after, we went to our house.
On saturday, we showed our show, "do you have fire?" and it was so good. In the afternoon Marga, Paola, Elena and her german fiends, went to Elena's german house. Ulrike and me went too. After Ulrike's family and me ate in the kitchen.
On sunday morning, Ulrike's father brought me to the school because we left Grossefehn.
Then we took a bus with the boys and girls of the school "La Gavina" ad we went to Bremen.There we went to a sciencie museum called "Universum". It was great!!
Then we said good bye to the school "La Gavina" and we went to a hostel. We stayed there, and we slept in a very nice room.
On monday, we woke up at 8:00 o'clock. We went to visit the old part of Bremen, and then, we had free time.
We went to McDonal's and after we went to H&M and Marga and me bought a pair of trausers. After we came back to the hostel, we took the cases and we went to the airport.
There we took a plane and we went to Alicante's airport.
There we took a bus and we came back to Escuela 2. There was a lot of trafic, and we arrived at 22:30.
This trip has been wonderful!!!! :D