Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Last June i was in Berlin, we went to germany because in january, there were here a group of students of Berlin, and because of that, we went to their houses.
I went to Hannah's house, and i loved that, because I like Hannah so much, I think i was so lucky to be with her.
Most of the days we went in berlin, we were in the school (montessori schule) doing some practic work with the german students, in primary school or in the infant school.
I was in the infant school with Paola, in german infant school is "Kinderhaus".

School's garden

Also, (and this is one of the things that i like most) we went to the Christophe Street Day that is the gay's day in Berlin, It was so funny because the gay people were costumed and they were very nice!
here, i can show you some pictures:

Apart of that we visited the monuments of Berlin, and they are so interesting! The monumet that I like the most is the wall because is one of the things that remember you that the history is true.

I think this trip was so nice, and i think i will never forget that. I hope next year we will come back! :D

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